Sunday, 27 March 2011


            Blogs have made the creation and publication of content as simple as browsing the Web. Blogging tools have removed virtually all the technical barriers that previously prohibited publication by the masses. Now, everyone with something to say or share can do so without needing to learn new skills.
Giving the power of publication to the masses signals the end of the Gatekeepers. There are no more gates to keep when everyone on the planet can publish to everyone else. The paradigm has shifted. Now individuals can run their own mini-Publishing Empires and this has the former Gatekeepers wringing their hands and trying to figure out their role within this new paradigm.
            Within this emerging landscape a debate is ranging among bloggers, technologists, former Gatekeepers and self-proclaimed pandits about the true impact of blogs. Many argue that blogs are merely a passing fad while others believe that blogs will soon replace much of traditional media methods. The truth is probably somewhere in between the extremes but it is interesting that blogs share some characteristics with the Open Source and Peer-to-Peer movements. Blogs are:
  • Decentralized
  • Driven by community rather than profit
  • Often subversive to existing power structures
  • Un managed and often unmanageable
                   It is those very characteristics that make the future of blogging so difficult to predict and the impact so hard to measure. Yet, while this debate rages on, a very significant aspect of blogging is being entirely overlooked. That aspect is not how blogs are affecting the Web or media as a whole but how blogs affect the individual. So the Blog helps to learn and Blog saves the time.
The internet has made it possible to get connection with anyone in the world. It is a ubiquitous tool for reaching out to masses. Using blogs and forums as media for exchanging information and expressive views has become a common feature. While these online communities and blogs provide one with tremendous usability, they are associated with some inheritances also. India his kind of web publishing is governed by the IT Act 2000. This Act, not only stops the person from posting obscene content but also punishes those who are involved in such crime. 
The Purpose of Blogging:
             Blogging has now evolved into an online diary where Internet users from all around the world can post comments, ideas or views online. One of the earliest known bloggers is Brad Fitzpatrick. Blogs are no longer just personal diaries. Now they are used to take various forms, ranging from various topics such as news, politics, travel and fashion. Most of the time, blogs are 'posted' as events occur, making blogs a good source to get news or views fast, but not necessarily accurate. In some instances, blogs have news or discussions on current events even before they are published in newspapers or broad coasted on the news.

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