Saturday 12 March 2011


       The word “Blog” give the impression that the account is textual in nature, probably due to the association with the diary. It has many types. There are
·        Photo blogs
·        Audio blogs
·        Moblogging
Photo Blogs :
       The net is commonplace to blogs with pictures are called photo blogs.
Audio Blogs :
         Audio blogs incorporate audio clips (Why type out a long message when it can be recorded and played back)
A Mobile blog: 
          A mobile blog is a type of blog that is written and submitted via a cellular telephone, internet-connected PDA or other connected portable device in most cases. The advantage of a mobile blog is that it gives the writer a chance to record his or her thoughts immediately, instead of waiting until there is access to a computer, when things can be forgotten. As cell phones, and especially smartphones, have gotten easier to use, this type of phone blogging has become more popular.

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